Panchkarma Centre

Manya Basti (Greeva Basti)
Specially prepared warm medicated oil is kept inside a herbal paste boundary over the neck area. This helps in relieving the burden of stress and congestion in nerves, bones & muscles of the neck and shoulders.
- Advised in : Spondylosis, neck pain, neck rigidity, stiffness, frozen shoulder, etc.
Udvartanam (Powder Massage)
A special therapeutic deep tissue massage using herbal powders, done in the direction opposite to the hair growth/upward massage strokes, and is recommended for regulating proper blood circulation and complete detoxification. Very useful when done over stomach, thighs, buttock region for fat loss.

- Advised in : Weight loss, skin disorders, rejuvenation, diabetic neuropathy, etc.
Pinda sweda
One of the most age-old and important massage therapies that uses warm medicated oils in a fine cloth bag. These oils/herbs are customized based on the health condition to be treated. It is usually performed for the diseases related to bones, joints, muscles and nerves; associated with inflammation, swelling and stiffness.

- Advised in : Osteoarthritis, Spondylitis, other joint pains, etc.
Shiro Basti
Oil proof cap is placed on the head, holding the medicated herbal oil, relieving migraine pains, increasing blood circulation, nourishing the scalp, helping in sleep, and maintaining scalp health.
- Advised in : Paralysis, Epilepsy, Depression, Hairfall, Headaches, Insomnia, etc.
Hrud Basti/Dhara
A dough container is placed over the heart area and the warm medicated herbal oil is poured over the heart region, meant for strengthening of heart muscles and improve functioning of the heart.

- Advised in : Heart diseases like cardiomyopathy / ischemic heart disease/, anxiety, stress, etc.
Janu Basti
An effective therapy that delivers intense relief from painful and inflammatory conditions related to acute or chronic knee pain. Medicated oils are poured and pooled for a fixed interval of time in a compartment around the knee area.

- Advised in : Osteoarthritis, Rheumatism, Acute or chronic knee pain, etc.
Ayurvedic therapy & procedure of slowly & steadily dripping medicated oil or other liquids on forehead, inducing a relaxed state of awareness that results in a psychosomatic balance.

- Advised in : Paralysis, Epilepsy, Depression, Hairfall, Headaches, Insomnia, etc.
Impure blood letting by Leech therapy or scalp-vein for blood purification.
- Advised in : Skin disorders like Eczema, Dermatitis and Sciatica, Gout, etc
The process in which medicated substances are instilled into the nasal cavity to expel doshas.

- Advised in : Chronic Cold, Hair Fall, Migraines, etc.
Uttar Basti
Panchakarma procedure for the genitourinary disorders of both males & females. The procedure involves introduction of medicinal oils(after proper sterilization) via the reproductive organs.

- Advised in : Infertility. Female diseases like fibroids, endometriosis, ovarian cysts, etc. Male diseases like prostate enlargement, urinary diseases, etc.
Effective Ayurvedic treatment for nourishing & rejuvenating eye health and relieving eye fatigue by improving blood circulation in capillaries of eyes. Warm medicated ghee is made to hold in eye tarpan yantra or mould frame on the eyes for a specific time. It is like bathing the eyes with ghee.

- Advised in : Burning, Dryness or pain in the eyes, myopia, falling of eyelashes, etc.
A procedure in which vitiated doshas (waste products or toxins) are eliminated through upper channels i.e, mouth.

- Advised in : Asthma, Diabetes, Chronic cold, Psoriasis, Acne, Obesity, skin problems, etc.
Expulsion of vitiated doshas through Diabetesdownward anal route is virechan.

- Advised in : Skin diseases, Acidity, Indigestion, Pimples, Stomach Problems.
Involves the use of medicated enemas to eliminate toxins and restore the balance of the doshas(energetic forces) in the body. It has a wide range of benefits including detoxification, digestive support, pain relief, hormonal balance, and rejuvenation.

- Advised in : All lifestyle diseases, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, hyperacidity, joint & spinal disorders, cancer, obesity, sciatica, PCOD, etc.
Kati Basti
Meant for lower back pain treatment. A large quantity of warm herbalised oil is retained on lower back to relieve pain, stiffness and inflammation.

- Advised in : Lower backache, Slip disc, Lumber spondylosis, spinal problems, sciatica, etc.

Ayurvedic Massage With Steam
Relaxing & rejuvenating massage therapy that relaxes muscles & improves circulation. It helps release toxins from the body and balance the doshas